Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A family loss

We have suffered our first huge loss in our creature family. Yesterday morning when Sarah went out to feed and water the chickens she came back in saying one of the Buffs were missing. We thought she was just up in a tree as it was still dark outside when Sarah went to feed them. I went out later to look for her and could not find her anywhere.

What I did find was....


a small trail that I started to follow. Had Daisy ( our dog) search for her and she tried. There was never any blood just feathers. I followed te trail thru the woods and it lead back behind our house to the neighbor's yard which I was not able to get permission to search.

Dear sweet Cowgirl is lost to us forever.

The neighbor has numerous stray cats that obviouslyy he is not feeding so they came after our chickens in the night when they are defenseless.

Well, now they get put to bed every night now in the coop.

We will miss you Cowgirl.


Cindy said...

So sorry for you-all ... a loss like that can be painful! We know 'cause we brought the ashes of our 'pound puppy' - Sierra - home last week from the vet. She had been with us for 9 yrs,